The Barrio, authentic where they are, it has thought in the International Music Festival, that he organizes the Tuna of District, one of the principal incentives for his Holidays of Carmen. It is not that earlier it did not have his grace and his happiness, but the nights of round under a firmament curdled with stars, tapes to the tenuous and spoiled air of the first of July, they have come to give him a more universal dimension.

The nature not me hache singer, but yes rascal has provided me with sensibility and spirit a little.
To proclaim happiness, to mount the holiday where and when it is necessary, to support a mental hygiene to test of all the stupidities surround us, to defend the irony and the sense of humor opposite to so much taciturnly and ominous, always to have the flirtatious remark flush with lips and to fall down in solicitous arms that this way demand it, they are well-known that I could have admired for many years as Prickly pears follower, listener of his songs and informant of his comings and goings for the wide world, as shields and tapes of his layers reflect.

My gratitude to the Tuna of District of Murcia for the honor that they do to me with this appointment, with the commitment to continue while I have left voice proclaiming the excellences of the Student band.

Let the Barrio del Carmen vibrates with popular folk songs and street bands; that windows and balconies are opened for your message of eternal and happy youth; that from the institutions that corresponds every year endorse with more force this Contest that it assembles to Tunas of the old Europe and of other continents, to which Murcia will bewitch with his delight, and of that the villains ones that up to her come will do praises, especially, of the hospitality of his nations.

Aúpa the Tuna of District of Murcia! The authentic Quarter of Murcia arrives! Live forever through the Estudiantina!
Mª. Carmen PelegrínFco. García Navarro
Director of RNE in Murcia