It is a happiness to be able to proclaim to four winds that the International Music Festival “Barrio del Carmen” fulfills already celebrates his tenth anniversary; and a satisfaction to share with all the murcianos and neighbors of this so authentic quarter this musical and cultural declaration which origin detradición medieval, surprisingly, continues with big vitality and purity in ours days.

Another extraordinary characteristic of this Music Festival is the inflow of tunas that travel up to Murcia from Europe and other continents, what turns it into a point of singular reference, and a holiday opened for all and cozy like none. This way, on having received this year to this malaguenha settled down in Cadiz like Godmother of the present edition, I feel happy, grateful, accepted and wanted by you.

To correspond to so much fondness me will be very, very difficult. This is a debt that I will be able only to pay continuing thoroughly and passion my musical work and being a participant of your happiness, your sense of humor and of the romanticism that have printed these popular folk songs that will invade the streets of the city.

Congratulations to the Tuna of District of Murcia!

My fondness and gratitude
Pasión VegaPasión Vega